Provided here are links to conference and seminar information, both
local and national, that may be of interest. Where practical, actual registration forms will be downloadable from this page.
Check back often to see what genealogical resources are available for sometimes a very nominal cost (in some cases, free).
This is a great way to learn more about doing family history!
Note: if you have information about a conference
or seminar that is not listed here, please send it to the webmaster and indicate "seminar/conference information" in the subject line. Thank you!
Local Seminar/Conference flyers and registration downloads
National Seminar/Conference links (click the link to go,
in a separate window, to the website where the seminar information is located)
7-10 May 2014 - National Genealogical Society Family History Conference, Richmond, VA
5-8 June 2014 - So. Calif. Genealogical Society Jamboree and DNA Conference, Burbank, CA
29 July - 1 August 2014 - BYU Conference on Family History and Genealogy, Provo, UT
27-30 August 2014 - Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference, San Antonio, TX